
My day so far, in detail


having a really cool day today even if I yesterday thought it would be stressful and hopeless. One thing at a time…and don’t do unnecessary things, like reading blogs and surf;)

I started my day with breakfast (forgot to measure, sorry). The same as yesterday (porridge+kiwi+orange juice) but without the two knäckebröds sandwiches. Didn’t want to eat to much before the Mama+Baby Strength Training. As usual I forgot to take pictures…gah! but it was good fun and we all trained very hard!

Afterwards I had a meeting in Le Petit Royal and had a cheese, cucumber, tomato baguette and a big Latte! Yummiiii! Came to late to the Physio but got some painful massage of my gluteus from Leo. Then I went shopping, lots of heavy stuff so I trained my legs pretty well walking up the two hills plus 90 steps with my backpack.

Had lunch around 13.30, an avocado with olive oil plus my favorite sweet except dark chocolate, smarties (something with childhood memories). Maybe not so impressive lunch but the baguette made me pretty full, plus one whole avocado with olive oil contains so much fat (don’t be scared of fat) that it made me even more full.

Now i’m planning the training class with the skiers. We will be in a gymnastic hall which I have never been to so I have no idea what equipment they have. Therefore I plan lots of body weight exercises, plus I have to go there a bit earlier to check it out.

AND, now since I know that I will have training from 16.30 until 18.00 I know that I have to eat something before. Even if I don’t feel hungry at all at the moment I PLAN a couple of hours in advance. Either I boil two eggs (haven’t eaten so much protein today) before I leave and eat them at home, or I take them with, or I make a sandwich with cheese/egg/ham, or at least something so that I will last until 19.00 when I think I will be able to eat next time. If I wouldn’t do this, the risk is that I would have almost 6 hours between meals OR feel so hungry that I would feed myself with fast calories from nearest kiosk. Do you get my thinking?


oh, and the smarties…don’t worry! I eat something sweet (mostly chocolate) almost everyday. But I make sure I eat it AFTER a real meal, when I already feel full from good nutrients. Then my bloodsugar stays pretty even and the body suffers less.


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