intervals, running, Zermatt

Full full FULL!!!

yay!!! just got a voice mail that my jogging class on thursday is fullybooked=) wehuuu!!! makes me really happy and a few butterflies just entered my stomach!! I really look forward to meet all of you(if you happen to read this)! We will have beautiful weather, a little bit cold, but we will soon get warm;) Skärmavbild 2015-04-21 kl. 15.53.39 IMG_7823

Ok, time to prepare the last details!

See you Thursday 0700 by the backstage hotel!!!

exercise, intervals, Zermatt

Come jogging with me on Schweizer Ferientag

I am so proud and honored to be a part of the “Schweizer Ferientag” which is this year held in Zermatt! It is organised by Switzerland Tourismus and contains manymany workshops and breakout sessions. I will take some of the Participants running! One hour of jogging and seeing something else than the village, see zermatt with my eyes! I really look forward!

  I have prepared 3 different routes, depending on the snow(!!!) conditions and the runners physical condition. At the moment there is no snow on any of my routes but wouldnt surprise me if it snows a meter the night before:(   

It is at 07.00 in the morning, so i hope there are many early birds willing to start the day in the best of ways! 

For more info visit switzerland tourismus here

intervals, Zermatt

The first bootcamp

It was real bootcamp weather yesterday! Rainrainrain! Two strong minds came to te meeting point for the bootcamp and made me so happy:) i didnt think anyone would leave their beds a morning like that..we went up towards the forest in blatten and made exercises along the way. Bootcamp is alot about being a team so i joined and we could at least do a couple of exercises crawling and fighting in the mudd:) 20140630-130710-47230411.jpg



I feel it in my body today and i already look forward to next week:) bring a friend and join us, i promise you will like it:)

intervals, Zermatt

Interval training on thursdays


Now the summer classes has started, first out interval and running technique course! As always, i forgot to take pictures, or at least no good pics!

We were up at the ahv weg in zermatt and the focus was to take short steps and land on the whole foot underneath the body! Very good results after an hour o drills and intervals uphill in the end! Next week we continue to look at details of the optimal running technique! You can still join the course:)