
Are you stronger? 

This is Cecilia! She is pure power! I dont know exactly how much over 70 she is, would have to look in my papers! But she is the best proof that age is only numbers! We train many times a week. To make her stronger so she can keep up with collegues on hikes. She is not very good at seeing how incredible strong  she is (humble person and compares herself with much younger people), so today i made a strength test with her which we will repeat in a month. She stood in a “perfect technique plank” for 2,36 minutes! Can you, dear reader, do that? Picture of perfect plank below! 



Both legs

Filippa has finally started to walk the steps with both legs, to my big relief! Until now it has only been the right leg and my injured trainer brain has been secretly stressed about her getting imbalanced strength which could lead to hip and back problems. My more realistic brain understands that this is something all kids do until their legs are long (?) enough or something, but i have anyway tried to make her walk with both feet for a month or two ( 4 months, i confess)…old pic below but only one i found with her and steps… 

intervals, Zermatt

The first bootcamp

It was real bootcamp weather yesterday! Rainrainrain! Two strong minds came to te meeting point for the bootcamp and made me so happy:) i didnt think anyone would leave their beds a morning like that..we went up towards the forest in blatten and made exercises along the way. Bootcamp is alot about being a team so i joined and we could at least do a couple of exercises crawling and fighting in the mudd:) 20140630-130710-47230411.jpg



I feel it in my body today and i already look forward to next week:) bring a friend and join us, i promise you will like it:)


HAPPI training offers 10 weeks Bootcamp


Wehuu! Today I have been out putting posters up in shops and on the street to let everyone know that there will be cool stuff happening this summer. I wanted to do this already last summer but thought it would be a bit to much with Filippa and the building going on. But now i am ready and I hope you are as well!

The training is as you can see, every Sunday at 10.00, starting end of June. The training will be tough but you don’t have to be fit already on the first training. Fit is what you will be after 10 weeks.

What I love about bootcamp training is that everything is allowed. That is, everything that will make you stronger, and tired! I am so excited about this training and look forward to push everyone to their limits and beyond!


Sign up by sending an email to info@happitraining.com and click here for more info!