video, Zermatt


The homepage for STRONG MAMA is finally finished! Go in and have a look here!

And the new video from STRONG MAMA friday class is also finished, juhuuui!!! This class is quite tough and is recommended for fit mamas and babies older than 9 months. However, there are alternatives to all exercises and we have new mums attending the class too. Hope you like the video!

video, Zermatt

Shoulder video

Juhuii! here is the video=) Took me over an hour to fix so don’t count on to many of these in the future…and i apologize that the sound is a bit shaky, i am a beginner at this…

All videos are from the back since i wanted to look at my shoulders, i hope you still get enough information of how to do the exercises. I also did lots of biceps exercises but didn’t film since i don’t activate the shoulder in the same way.

I can really recommend you to film yourself in the gym (even if you feel quite goofy and self centered). I got real good information about small mistakes i do and could improve lots. It was almost as if I was training with a PT;)

Hope you enjoy the movie and I would be soooo happy for comments or feedback…is this a format you would like more of in the blog?