intervals, running, Zermatt

Week goal-check

Could complete my very easy and realistic week goal of two trainings a little bit last minute yesterday…

Did intervals for an hour and tried spotifys running playlist. It somehow feels how fast you run and choose songs in the same tempo. I love to run in the same tempo as music, so much easier, but the music was unfortunately not so motivating as i had i went back to one of my favourites, running high tempo, and then i flew with light feet again!     

The intervals i did was:

4min just under the lactate threshold

4min walking fast to recover

Repeat 6-8times


intervals, running, Zermatt

With light steps in the new week

February is a crazy month, so much work for both Demian and me…that filippa has been ill and we have been at home for 4 days has not made things easier. Both filippa and I climb on the walls after ONE morning at home…

the relief when demian wasn’t able to ski yesterday (because of too much snow) was total! Since my heels stop me from skinning i feel a bit stressed about my training, not strength, but endurance. I can easily take filippa to the gym for 30-40min strength, but i cant go on the treadmill with her (she would jump on it and try to run herself, DANGEROUS), so i am dependent on demian or a babysitter. Yesterday I got 40min of running, i really pushed myself and ran as long as i could by my lactate threshold, PAIN!!! Today I feel it in my whole body….I havent been running like that since ULTRAKS in August. Fantastic feeling while I was running, not so fantastic today…

another fantastic thing is that instead of starting 8.30 this morning I start work 12 today. Many of my PT clients are having school holidays with their kids this week, and two are sick. So now I have done my book keeping and don’t feel stressed about that either! So much stress is gone!! Plus that I got a morning for myself at home=) I LOVE OFFICE MORNINGS!

Good start on a good week! Hope you are having a fantastic monday as well!

intervals, Zermatt

No action today

oh my what a day…i am exhausted for some weird reason, maybe the heat..very warm in zermatt today. Have had 2 hours work, then 3 hours off, then 2hours work, then 2hours off and soon i am going for one more hour of work. In between i am just home watching netflix and doing as little as possible. Demian is also home and filippa is in marzipan. Demian is super productive in the garden but i can impossible find any energy to join him…despite what everybody thinks i am quite good at just taking it easy and do today! Tomorrow is another day and maybe i will be more productive then? Here are pics from yesterdays intervals, very strong and fast girls!!! Impressed as always!  


intervals, running, trailrunning, Zermatt

Need for speed

In the best of weather and with motivated ladies we started this years interval and running technique course!  

We talked about the perfect stride, running economy, frequency and rythm! And then of course we ran! Intervals uphill and tried to keep all information in our heads!!! Great improvements already the first day!!! Well done ladies!!! 

Next week we meet 19.30 by the Binerbrücke to learn to breath…basics you might think.  




intervals, running, Zermatt

I am to organised

gaaahhh!!! Guess who has planned everything one hour to early today??? 

ME!!!!and now my whole plan is f***ed up!!! 

Filippa is with me the whole day and i had planned everything in detail. She came with to training this morning. We were in the forest so she could play while we were doing intervals. So far so good!  

    Afterwards we went home and had a snack and she could watch youtube while i was doing office and my bookkeeping. Worked fast and then made us lunch and dressed her warm to sleep in the stroller while i was at the physio and then work 12.30-14…its just that when i came to the physio i got informed that it was only 11.30….

GAAAAHH! So now she is asleep and i am having a coffee and soon going back to the physio…and she will be awake and nothing goes as planned!  

 Keep smiling!