exercise, Zermatt

First time in her life

push ups on the toes! 

If you manage 20 push ups on your knees there is no way i will let you continue on the knees! Up on the toes! Work your core stability! Imagine you press the  floor away, instead of pushing your body up! Use your breath and blow out with power on your way up! Stay proud and tuck that tailbone in! 


 C did 10 push ups on her first try, on the toes! 

I never did that in my whole life, and i have tried a thousand times, she said! 

Never to late! Sometimes you just need someone who push you and maybe teach you a few tips and trix (that might be a swedish word of saying, hope you understand) 


Mission acomplished

One of the best things with my job is when the clients reach their goal! I am probably almost as proud as they are! Last week one of my clients made her goal, to climb the Matterhorn! I thought of her the evening before as we sat on the balcony and watched the mountain and the lights that shine on the “hörnligrad”. When I woke up around 8 in the morning I knew she was up there and had been climbing for hours! The feeling of happiness and proud I felt when I got this picture was so cool! I had to scream to emily and johan “SHE MADE IT”!!! All the hours she (and I) have invested to prepare her for this, it was definitely worth it!!! A BIG CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN! I am very proud of you!

exercise, Zermatt

A cool gym

Yehepp!!! Snowsnowsnow…i get seriously depressed and SO ANGRY when i wake up to snow, in seasons when it is NOT SUPPOSED TO SNOW! I deeply hate zermatt on days like this and lose hope of that it will ever get nice and warm again. I can deal with rain and wind, but not low temperatues and snow when it is supposed to be green and warm. The training clients i had today (locals) are used to this phenomena and accept it, but i simply cant! And the worst is that this was probably not the last snow fall this summer..i have woken up to 10cm snow in the village in august, terrible! 

Anyhow, we were up early to prepare for the heli which would come with our new lawn! But with so much fog they couldnt fly:( maybe today, maybe tomorrow! After lunch i went down to work two hours, one gym session inside, and one outside! We were on the steps with weights and a mat. Love when i get challenged by weather and have to do a training different from other ( couldnt lie down to much today for example because the client would get so wet)! I had two jackets and a beanie on, plus shorts over the tights, to keep warm! Had to do some of the exercises myself as well to not freeze to death, fun! 

Now i am on my way to Basel and my cousins civilian wedding. I am witness so passport is in my bag:) wehuuuu!!! Three days of lööööv! 

Over and out! 


intervals, running, Zermatt

I am to organised

gaaahhh!!! Guess who has planned everything one hour to early today??? 

ME!!!!and now my whole plan is f***ed up!!! 

Filippa is with me the whole day and i had planned everything in detail. She came with to training this morning. We were in the forest so she could play while we were doing intervals. So far so good!  

    Afterwards we went home and had a snack and she could watch youtube while i was doing office and my bookkeeping. Worked fast and then made us lunch and dressed her warm to sleep in the stroller while i was at the physio and then work 12.30-14…its just that when i came to the physio i got informed that it was only 11.30….

GAAAAHH! So now she is asleep and i am having a coffee and soon going back to the physio…and she will be awake and nothing goes as planned!  

 Keep smiling!  


Breath in and out, iiiin and oooouuut

You normally say that you should take one day at a time. The coming three weeks i take one hour at a time, sometimes even one breath a time…

It is april, family franzens chaos month, every year the same! Demian works more than normal, goes away on camps, competition and courses. Me and filippa are in zermatt, but not with less work than normal, almost more! Last year i made a deal with demian. I thought i would not have so much work so i said that i would play housewife for a month and he could work! Was one of the worst months in my life. I got more work than expected and my picture and demis picture of a housewife turned out to be very different…haha! Not gonna bore you with that story now…

Anyhow, demian is in grindelwald for swiss snowhappening since monday morning, before that he was i  grächen two days so we havent really met since before sweden:  


I have had a crazy day with filippa in paradies (will go and get her soon) and 1000 of massages and pt clients! It is fun but i feel a bit stressed just by thinking of the coming weeks! All responsibility is on me and i have to be superorganized. I so admire all single moms or all mums who doesnt have men who do their share. YOU ARE AMAZING! Now i will enjoy my coffee, pick filippa up, give her to many kisses, go to the playground, meet up with a babysitter, give one more massage and then go to the unplugged tent and have dinner!!!! Just bought earprotection for filippa! Will probably go there every evening!!! 




Strong mamas tomorrow and THANK YOU

IMG_0108yay!!! Tomorrow its time for these superstrong mamas to come and sweat!!! Yay!!! And many many others! I will be in the gym tomorrow from 8.30 until 16!

At the moment i have such a cool bunch of people to train. Everyone with different goals and backgrounds. They really keep me on my toes!

I have always had enough to do, from the start 2,5 years ago! And i am happy that it has increased slowly! To have as much to do as i have now, would have never worked when i was new in the business. The trainings would have been fine, but all preparations and organisation is something that had to grow and get better slowly! I remember i was quite stressed before many trainings in the beginning. This probably also has a lot to do with filippa and building a house, but still… It is only the last 6months that i have gotten structure in my office and can work more efficient and even have time to look through my books to repeat and learn more! And that feels really good!

THANK YOU everyone for letting me be a part of you getting stronger, to challenge you and help you reach your goals! I am so grateful that you trust and believe in me and that i by that can work with my dream and get to meet all of you motivated people!

Have a nice weekend everyone!


Small things that makes a PT happy

1. when you meet a client who has been out running by itself…and that is something that would have never happened before they started to train with the PT

2. pictures send from the clients showing how fast and far they have run


3. pictures of healthy food that clients send

4. pictures of happy clients training

5. clients sending email with copy of the application for a race

6. hearing from other people that the client look/seem more happy since he/she started to train

I don’t need much…

intervals, Zermatt

Super amazing beautiful training

Good morning:) sun is shining and todays training is already done, at least for sarah. I am still having a cold so intervals was a no go. Sarah pushed the stroller with 11kg heavy filippa up the mountain towards furi. By moos we stopped to to do the intervals in beautiful surroundings. Filippa enjoyed as well as she is crazy about running downhill on her small chubby legs:) sarah ran and ran and did a really good job!


