
Practise makes perfect

We went skiing yesterday. Two runs, one before lunch and  one after. I would not say that filippa is hooked on skiing yet. One second she says she wants to ski and the next she really don’t want to! here we are still at home having  a last pee, with ALL clothing on. And yes, she went to the toilet before we started the dressing session, but of course had to go again. The law of going to toilet in the most inappropriate time…
 I am very happy about my new colourful jacket:) feel like a swedish ski bum again;)

 After skiing we took a spontaneous after ski at cervo. Filippa didn’t want to be outside for some weird reason so we had to go inside:(   
 Very nice afternoon! 

Below video of our little  racer. I am so impressed and absolutely horrified when she skis. It is not as flat as it looks on the video and it goes fast. When i ski with her i use the harness and rope. Demian is much faster on the skiis and reacts quick to all her movements! Practise makes perfect! 

This video doesn’t exist

I want to be alone- i never want to be without you

i am on the train towards the airport and stockholm to see my university friends and my cousin Emily! Yay! A fantastic tradition! Have been looking forward to this for so long. Not only to see my friends, but also to be alone on the train, travel by myself and only have to care about me myself and I! 

  But as i now sit here i cant help to think that it would have been sooooo nice if demi and filippa would have been here too! I am trying to tell myself that it probably would have been very loud and stressful but even so I think it would have been very cosy! 

How weird that is…i can loooong for time alone, but when i have it, i miss them like crazy!  



like the frosties commercial

today has been a fantastic day. In one way nothing special happened but i have been very much in peace with myself and with filippa.

It started with a sleep in. I woke up 8.32 with filippa next to me. Demian was in Lenk. We were cuddeling a bit and talkimg about that matterhorn was gone and “where has it gone??”(cloudy). I had organised opa reini to look after filippa from 9-12 so i could go touring but abandoned that idea since we slept so long. Breakfast would be to tight on training and i would just feel really tired. Sleeping and having a rest is sometimes more important…

We had breakfast and afterwards a happy filippa went to opa, still in her pyjama. I made myself a big coffee, checked my fav blogs and went up to continue my bookkeeping for 2015. Worked really well until 12 and then a happy hungry filippa came back.  Got this pic from reini:)

 We had lunch and then played that she and all her stuffed animals were on a boat on a wild ocean! 

Afterwards we went sledging and it was snowing like crazy and i had to run and push the whole time since the snow was wet and SLOW!  

 A exhausted filippa fell asleep on the sledge and continued to sleep on the floor at sarahs place where we had coffee afterwards. 

Afterwards we went to meet demi who had come back from lenk. We walked home and i made pancakes for snack and it was like american happy family in the frosties commercial! It was getting dark and demi put a fire on and went to the gym. Filippa watched the ipad and i read a book(!!!!)! Then demi came home again and we made a good attempt in making filippa tired by playing circus and hide and seek. 

Then i tried to put her to bed and she fell asleep straight away (this is NOT TRUE, but that story will maybe be another post tomorrow). After 40minutes of not sleeping me and demian managed to still cook the adult dinner we had planned and looked forward to and sit down alone for 15minutes with filippa in her room playing (21.00 at night, 1,5 hours after normal bedtime). 

Afterwards filippa DID fall asleep and i finished (!!!) my book infront of the fire..

Ha??? What do you think of that day? Once every 10th year this happens! HARMONY!  

Ps. Not written is all the cleaning of dish, floors and baby butts…plus how wet and cold we were after sledging, the toothbrush fight, the fact that filippa had pyjama on the whole day and the 2hour of trying to put filippa to bed…

But it was a FANTASTIC DAY! 

Good night


Christmas Eve

we had a really nice christmas eve! Sarina had made amazing salads and yummi salmon bread:) not very traditional christmas food but who needs that when there are plenty of other delicious dishes?

I managed to organise a santa last minute. He even spoke swedish, thank you gunnar! Success! Filippa was scared in the beginning but soon noticed that he was very nice and afterwards he got a hug AND a kiss..and we all know filippa is not kissing unless she really wants to.


Chloe was asleep when santa arrived but she was super cute and super upset in her outfit from oma, filippa got the same:)

 Everyone except demian:)

  Felix and nina gave the best present according to filippa. A playmobil helicopter! Wehuuuu!!! Tant miri gave the nice pyjama, also success! From Opa she got a jacket and leather sandals from Korfu. So nice! From us she got pearls, small animals, a book, cars and a small helicopter. She is crazy about helicopters!

    Demian got socks that had to be put on straight away!
   I got a nice backpack and cool Bose headphones with unbelievable sound!


And then we got really nice things in sweden, but i am to lazy to write it all down! Thank you anyway, all who thought of us in sweden and australia!!!


A tired Filippa went to bed by herself around 11…Good Night!


The real xmas feeling

24th of december is nice, but 25th is almost nicer…no stress and no expectation! We started with pancake breakfast, opened the last presents and just hanged out at home. Then took the lift up to furi and restaurant simi for lunch. Had a nice walk home and now i am infront of the fire, demian is asleep on the sofa and filippa watches the obligatory swedish disney movies on youtube! 

Soon i have to go to work though, but its ok, it has been a great day! Hope you are all enjoying friends and family, plus do as little as possible…    



Surprise lunch

My friend nathalie had bday this week and we surprised her with lunch up at the italian border at restaurant testa grigia. I dont think the rest is called testa grigia but i cant be bothered to look it up! Anyway, we were skinning up at it went both faster and much easier than last time, pjuh! Here some pics from the day!  

   Have a nice weekend everyone! 


My weekend

Hello everyone! I have had a really nice weekend with very little work and very much time with filippa! 

We started saturday with skiing. She was not motivated at all in the lift up to the glacier, except from the picnic that is now some kind of a tradition. Gipfeli and drinks in the lift that takes 30min! 

When we got up we took the t-bar and then she said “lippa åka sälv” = filippa ski by herself! I let her but it only took 3 meters and then it was instead “lippa tlött bene” = filippa tired in the legs…

I think we had 30min to get down and then i really tried to help her alot.. I even had to bribe her with the paci/napp/nukki and we were both exhausted after that single run… 

Btw…it is crazy how “fast” it goes on flat parts. I mean, not fast for me, but for her! After ten meters when she skiis by herself i feel it goes to fast and have to catch/stop her! And this on flat parts where i am scared that i will have no speed at all…

 Afterwards we had nice lunch with demi and then a tired filippa fell asleep on the way down in the lift! tomatoe sauce all over…

 Always bring the stroller. Can not think of a worse situation than lots of skiis and material to carry plus tired toddler…

Today we have had another nice day. Baking, cleaning the house, eating tomatoes as if it was an apple and going up to riffelalp with friends. Fantastic warm weather at the moment!  



When we came down demi took over and i could go to the gym! I made heaps of videos to see what my bad shoulder looks like and what i have to improve in technique and i thought i will try to make a movie for you guys to get inspired for shoulder training! Just dont look at the left shoulder… But you need some patience because tomorrow is a CRAAAAZY busy day!  

    Hope you had a nice weekend! 



Excited filippa got picked up from marzipan earlier to go to alsas halloween party!!! Not easy to paint “i can do it myself two year old” but i hope you can all see that she is the toughest little kitten ever! Full speed on her kick bike, MJAUING to everybody on the street:)   
FIrst a bit scared of the dark, the loud music and all scary kids, but after a while in the entrance she got to curious and had to go in and see what was going on in there. Amanda had made it soooo nice and there were lots of yummi snacks! 

Filippa danced like a pro and we had lots of fun! 
 Will try to get a video or two of her dancing:) 




i am not taking any cred for this amazing idea. I got it when i was looking through pinterest for ideas of things to do with a toddler. I had real fun creating and filippa enjoyed playing…she is by the way still playing, refuses to sleep and i am to tired to take the fight (took the flu vaccine yesterday and have been completely knocked out the whole day, and demian is on a meeting). At least she is playing very nicely by herself!  



Sunday morning

Good morning:) beautiful autumn  day here in zermatt! Demian and filippa woke up early and i got another 30min before demi had to leave for work. Me and filippa made smoothie but something was bothering filippa from the beginnig today. We have already tried play doh, reading, making necklaces with pearls and palying in the sofa, but she doesn’t find any peace…so now she is watching “pippi” upstairs and i made myself a BIG COFFEE and soon we will try to start the day again, hopefully in a better way!  

 Afterwards we will go for a walk from sunnegga and down to the village, with the pram…last day sunnegga train is open so better profit! 

Here is a video from my training yesterday..i am getting closer to my goal, to be able to do chins! It has been tough two months with “boring” training. In the beginnig you dont see any or very little progress and that is so depressing and frustrating. But then, BANG, you get stronger and all of a sudden you just need little help from the elastic band! The last few times training has been SO MUCH FUN. Soon i can do chins!!! 

Have a fantastic sunday!!! 