
One exercise a day

I feel I have to look up this video blogging thing that I have seen other people do. That would make it so much easier to show exercises. Now I have to take pictures in many different positions to explain exercises and that is way to complicated. When I was home I didn’t train at all the first week. Just relaxed and gave my body some time off. But, since I have some problems with back and shoulders I can’t relax to long, so one afternoon I took the few training things we have at home and created a half an hour long training for core and shoulders. I thought that I will post one exercise every day from that training program, so here is the first one…

As you will notice the exercises are mostly with bodyweight or with light weight. I use a medicine ball and two weights but you can use anything you have at home (milk cartoons filled with water/sand/stones) or things you find in the nature (stones and rocks).


Telemark/lunges, train mainly gluteus and quadricpes

  1. Take one step forward or backwards (kind to the knees)
  2. Stay proud and keep your feet wide a part, don’t walk on a line
  3. Weight on the front heel, 90 degrees in both knee joints
  4.  Return to start position and change leg

New Partner


I am happy to present a new partner for the winter, Kid ActiveThis is how they describe themselves on their homepage:

This isn’t your average ski school. In fact, it’s not a ski school at all. KidActive is snow much more.

Of course children need tuition in order to achieve their potential on the piste, but they need more. At KidActive we provide not only professional ski instruction but a host of other outdoor activities including skating, sledging, afternoon trips and snow games.

This variety ensures your children fall in love with the snow and have the holiday of a lifetime, leaving you to relax and enjoy your skiing safe in the knowledge that they are having as much fun as possible! 

KidActive provides skiing instruction in association with The Swiss Ski School and a range of winter activities for children aged between 4 and 6. We work with small groups to maximise learning potential.

So parents can leave their children for a couple of hours and be sure they have fun, learn and enjoy all the winter activities offered in Zermatt, whilst the parents themselves can ski or go training with HAPPI training=)

Check out Kid Actives homepage and book a PT class with HAPPI training and your holidays will be complete!