
One exercise a day

I feel I have to look up this video blogging thing that I have seen other people do. That would make it so much easier to show exercises. Now I have to take pictures in many different positions to explain exercises and that is way to complicated. When I was home I didn’t train at all the first week. Just relaxed and gave my body some time off. But, since I have some problems with back and shoulders I can’t relax to long, so one afternoon I took the few training things we have at home and created a half an hour long training for core and shoulders. I thought that I will post one exercise every day from that training program, so here is the first one…

As you will notice the exercises are mostly with bodyweight or with light weight. I use a medicine ball and two weights but you can use anything you have at home (milk cartoons filled with water/sand/stones) or things you find in the nature (stones and rocks).


Telemark/lunges, train mainly gluteus and quadricpes

  1. Take one step forward or backwards (kind to the knees)
  2. Stay proud and keep your feet wide a part, don’t walk on a line
  3. Weight on the front heel, 90 degrees in both knee joints
  4.  Return to start position and change leg